Mold Mitigation
Hudson Valley Mold Remediation Specialist.
Learning that you have mold in your home can be alarming. Rest assured that it can be remediated, and your home be brought back to a healthy environment.

Discovering Mold
Mold can start developing within 24-48 hours and usually isn’t visible for another 18-21 days. If you think you see or smell the presence of Mold growing, call a licensed Mold Assessor to receive confirmation. The Mold Assessor will provide a scope of work and action plan which Nurzia Construction can help you carry out.
Mold Remediation vs. Removal
Removing the areas affected by mold is not enough. Mold remediation offers a long-term solution that properly addresses the root of the problem.
Our Mitigation team will prevent the spread of mold by containing the area, using an Air Scrubber to filter the air of mold spores, and HEPA vacuum the ceiling, walls, contents, and affected areas. Since certain materials can’t be remediated properly due to being porous these items will unfortunately have to be discarded.